30 September 2014

I've finally finished the impressions of TSFB's performances last year just in time to head to Seattle for PNB's Jewels. Flipping through my backlog, I have got quite a few performances that I saw but never wrote up, either due to general orneriness or (at the time) depression about the general state of my degree-seeking career. While I am not known for brevity (and am infamous for burying the lede), my goal for the end of the year will be to publish short impressions about everything missing from my blog, including

1 traveling Nutcracker at DPAC
3 TSFB performances, probably from 2009 or 2010, when they did Monumentum/Movements
2 Ballet Chicago performances (that I don't even remember going to)
2 Moscow Festival Ballet performances in Urbana
1 Chicago Dancing Festival (that I do remember)

More as I find my box of programs.

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